thats the back cuz my sis is supposed to decorate the front yep. and that copyrighted thing's taken away! that funnyfunny shape with all the instrus inside is the BOPIAN ^^
and the photog one (: the purple version! theres black too actually. hahhhhhs.
the front!
the back!
yes i know you like them (:
ok, actually i dont think its that nice. its done in march anyway!
when i was putting it up then i realised there was a coding prob, but then for some reason there were 3 people online and the time i dont want them to be online! then when i republished it, it was still wrong then worse there was 4 people online. after i make finish everything then i put on my msn pm lo..
since i nvr blog for so nong, this blogpost will be nongnong too okay!
hahaha. i am going to blog about it now (: YAYYYYYY!
this OM shop ah, damn stylo.
btw, the om doesnt stand for odyssey of the mind. it stand for what? i also dont know.
its a furniture cum photo taking place! (sounds wrong)
hai, i am sososooso kind.
i just went to photoshop those pictures for 1.5 whole hours!
now have to man4man4 upload.
btw its 1.35am now (:
beautiful furniture (;
they are for sale! but they are also for the model to sit and pose too. =X
yay i like the lights!! xD
mmhm, and got this picture like thingy. cuz the camera was in the frame! coolseh! (sorry i overdid the photoshop. MUAHAHAHAH!)
cuz i and rachel were kind of late, so the model went for a break. (YA I KNOW THIS RHYMES! : D) then we too go for break too and met this STUPIDDDDD HOUSEFLY which thought the pudding on the spoon was real. so of all the other pictures, it perched there. rachel wanted me to take one real close up of it lo. then suddenly it flewwww! and both of us screamed like hell. hahaha. then it flew to the window to look at macdonalds then i managed to take that picture. XP so CUTEEEEE la!!! its like huh? AHHHH SO CUTEEEEEE! *swoons~*
intro to the people! : D
MISSpearlchan and MRSdoreentanmaybe when you get old or get married, its like that.
you will be sacrificing your chioness lo~~
actually i didnt want to do that to doreentan one lo. but who ask her scold me the other time that i ponned photog for so long blahblahblah wasted minutes of my lunch! then she keep repeating the same stuff. ahma!!!
ahahaha yeah i am trying to make it look like a neo but too bad it failed :(
that GUY right, is to model the model. okay i forgot whats the word! hes a darn pervert lorh. touchie here touchie there. even when the photo is being taken, he suddenly come up and touchie her. waste ah pearl de film ah! then um, the suit right, cuz its just the suit. you understand or not! HAHAHA. yeah then she got pull it to make properly lo but he still come up and help her pull and he looked inside man. but the model was still saying like OPPS and smiling. so i am BLANKBLANKBLANK.
okay more photos of the chio model to let you faint in front of my blog (:
yep the theme was corporate suits. all the jewellery are like those with the pricings and tags from where they are from just like in mags. and that guy touchie here there say must show those jewellery well S_S so bad they make her wear specs! wear specs not as chio. but still CHIOOOOOOOOO!!! XD
& i take the photos nice or not! : D i bet everyone thought my photos were professionally taken or grabbed from pearlchan one!
that necklace? the female worker was wearing that before the model took this photo!
HAHHA. SO CUTE! she was touchie-ng here there too lo. maybe shes just as pervertic thats why!
cant expect me to blog much about the shoot la cuz so long already i have forgotten most of the stuff..=X but i rmb i ate yakitori after that! and sashimi too (: hahs thats so random!
2.28am liao! by the time i blog finish it will be 2.30am. i still need to bathe! and my dad's nagging too. NAGGING. XPXPXP got cca tomorrow too! FALALALALA.
dad: open the door open the door who you chatting to? open the door. ay. so stubborn i tell you who you chat chat until 2.30 one.
i think hes drunk liao! ok, go sleep. ZZZ!
dad: 2moro you need to go to schl you know!