Saturday, April 15, 2006
i am going to try to blog real fast so i can faster go and bathe & watch fma n ragnarok! MUAHAHA.
anyway, the proof of the big fuss in class where i got baeyongjun n JESSICA ALBA (haha!) in the myheritage thingy. and yishyuan the chameleon getting ayumi hamasaki, which i also got too ok! xD

and somemore i only tried 3 photos. hahaha.
anyway i finally am going to blog bt the stupid tedious ora.
so bad la i nvr go haunted house! :( have to help with photog booth the whole time x((( so i din like ora at all lo.
i took a chao bad photo of the ora pple =X

getting ready for the walkathon!
the sun was quite hot :(

adds more negative signs to my mood seh.
and took a lot of pple walking. then when crossing the road that time, no one dared to come over cz i and mengxia were positioned in front of them to take them when they were crossing. EYERHHHH.
the booth artclub and photog combined! GLOVOONS. we made a loss sadly :( and everyone was working real hard. but i dun like those artclub pple who wrote artclub on the balloon lorh. making the photog pple invisible or what. =.="

art club pple drawing

photog pple drawing
& the product!

some ri/rjc boy really went to buy that 'i so shuai' glovoon! hahaha. i bet his GURLFRIEN made him to cz got this gurl with him ma. hahha.
shume shtuvs selling at ora--

so pwretty! but q ex and useless unless you want to give it to your b/gf. x)


MUAchee! aera's fave (:

satayyyy. i dun think they found it nice arh. lol n peiying's eating face is sooo cute! xD

franchesca desperatelyyyyyyy selling her apple crumbles
and got this free!

hahaha if you still duno what's this, i am going to kill you.
but maybe sometimes pictures dun work, so..
video! xD hahaha so cool!
i just realised that this BIGBEARBEAR was one of the prizes of a rg booth. i thought someone just brought and dump it there! argh i am so stupid la. no wonder it was on a GARBAGE BAG.
sorry bearbear, i will put 2 pictures of you ok?

this 2 rjc couple keep running away after seeing me. i am so scary meh!

oh got this guy while i was walking arh. hes damn freaky. =X i walkwalkwalk he beside me thn he look at me so i was like neutral. then i walkwalkwalk somemore, he suddenly bend down his head and look straight up at me and thn revert back to his original position as if nothing happened. =.= DIAO.
aiya, maybe hes my sis frien and mistaken me as her. -___-"""
after ora duty, got late for the cip duty cz mengxia was happily playing at her haunted house. lucky i got my dad fetch us to gombak sports stadium, if not die liao, i duno where is it ok! so joyce n mengxia also sat in the car.
my duty was with val, huiqi and esther at the callroom there. v stupid. have to WALK the runners to their place even when they know where to walk. like walking dogs like that! eew. & val n i spotted the megan gurl in the homerun in the runners lorh. maybe she went to join running after that movie. HAHAHA.

runrunrun, run as fast as you can.
gingerbread mannnnnnn.
whatever! xD yays half an hour to bathe x)
heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu