ngaman screamed on 010892 (yeah scary XD)& is chilling out in rgs as if. she loves nanhua & still goes back q often cz of wtv sl proj. now a co-ian which she joined on impulse to grow skinnier by not working out -.- & also in photog which she plans to quit
soon cz she might be going out to work on weekdays to reach her onethousanddollar goal. she hopes to be a earn 1000$permth waitress so she can have 72000$ whn she reaches 20. btw, shes also in theh red hawt tarbet n cls 201 that gives her the impression
of theh red color too. ok LAMEEEE but really maaaa! anyway, you can email/msn ME at gal_jasmine@hotmail.com or if u dun want me to read ur mail go to irox_galz@hotmail.com. YAY. or drop me a testi on
friendster& i am worth $1,939,540 HAH MORE EXPENSIVE THAN YOU. typing so formally is just so irritating la! -.-
ああ叫んで 飛び出す行け
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
boeyying, dont get too excited and scroll to the end k!
imachroniclesthree is rated NC13 so beware of explicit whateverwhatever contents!
filmed by:


the PINK n RED tongueies!


"whack me baby, whack me!"
ok thats sick. =X

shake it mama shake it!
and you simply love butts.

chao short mini skirts and the smooth long legs!

with a flying skirt behind those wobbly hands =XX


dun get too bothered bout the 2 les girls kissing behind with one of their legs popping up
ziyi's juicy seducive LIPS, but uncomparable to aera's still (:

neckless female cattie ghost with pink hair

cant get enough?

MUAHAHHAAA. jane cant be compared to mr GOH liao!
we did like 10mins of photoboothing only la so dun expect so much lorh! we were going to the potterpuffs site and blogs mostly. hahhaa.
YAYYYY! i am going for this fashion shoot to HELPOUT together with rachel! but so sad the model will be wearing corporate suits. CHEY. x( nvm la! will still be FUNNNNNN! :D so i get to leave school early nxt tues. HOHOHOHOOOOOO.
homework time (:
EDIT/ the words at the top part of the blogpost above the picture got cut off yup and i din really bothered retyping hah. due to some html probs also (:
heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu