Thursday, April 27, 2006
i know i nvr blog for a long timeeeeee. sorry la! got pts and exams ok..
and you all evil pple, nvr even tag me once these days! hmphhhhs. i will type an oldoldlanlan lousy blogpost. MUAHAHAHA.
worldbookday!i was the ceshire cat (i think spell like that) but too bad no photo of me la! i was wearing like full purple if not for my gray jacket. wenting still say i look like- HAHA better not say :D forgot to take a lot of pictures! even class photo. BOOO.
i like this 204 gurl's costume a lot!

cool eh! and see, tinachung is smiling sooo nicely, but i took a bad photo of her.
yep 204 came to our classroom and we went to theirs to share with each other the deco and costume.

204! (:
then got jerm's retarded photo collection.

saw her scratching her noseeeee then i wanted to take a pic to make it look like shes digging her nose but din work :( she owe me my naruto cds so long liao of coz must getback la! XP


sian liao! but look at the pple around her NICER. hahaha LOSERLOSERLOSER.
simin: whoots dont you just love dancin` baby! cross your armzaye and shake your sexaye bodaye to the sidaye and shakeh back to flip down your hand!
jodee(onlyin1stTWOphotos): eheheh simin whats that?
simin: camera.
jodee: OHHHHH.
(ohk,thats stupid)
elynn(<-i think? i only lent her book once cuz of yuhui ok!): OMG A CAMERA! must pray..
*turns and see the keesiao dancing*
elynn: eh dun dance go pray!
girlbesidejerm(lastphotoonly): woi ni3 mei3 wan2 mei3 liao3!
all these is just that, they look like they are saying these.
casslyn wants to take photo but alethea dun really want to.

so, casslyn keep smiling into the camera to pose when alethea din even want to take! AIYORHS! but then CASSLYN IS SO CUTEEEEE! BABYYYYYYYYYYY~~~ alethea v stylo lo the MADHATTER! i like how she dressss :D

finally then got a nice photo (:
after all these have to watch the mockingbird video and then do aesthetics thingy.

our leader so hardworking loooooo.
ok everything will be
random starting from here. korekarasuyo!
these BIGGGGGGGGGGGG ant climbing in circles =.= on my vvvvvvvvvv old com.

*climbs down!*

HAHA. and i can hear lifang squeeking liao!
someone draw that artpiece on the blackboard! :D

i think joce looks like a chikopei in there. OPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
oh btw, that was a tues. so long ago right!
on the way to philo, 201 found a headless bird perching on the stairway.

no la!

KEWWWW! but it looks like it is peeping up someones pinafore. HAHA. sick bird!
& 'sick bird' sounds sick too.
OHHH AND THE OTHER TIME in another blogpost i say that teachers smile when they see me taking pics of them right? PROOF IS HERE.
tayyorklanhavent see cam yet de shi hou

turning to give papers that time, saw cam



crow actually.
the same type of pic as the other time if you remember. hahhhhhhhhhhhhhs.

and i took this.

if you all had saw the original picture i took of this its MUCH nicer. but then cuz i took through the window, so got the carplate reflection of the car behind. so sad la! then now i cant get back same effect. HURHURHHHHHHH.
now you SEEEEE. you dun tag me you get boring posts!
so better TAGGGG.
hahaha i am THREATENING YOU ALL LEH! (: *smirk!*
oh but unless you really want boring ones dun tag loooo XP
heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu