Sunday, April 09, 2006
i am getting more and more lazy to blog! =O
so better tag me more or my posts will get lesser and lesser by the week.
ALSO. i dun like to take out my cam so much liao. cz pple like LYNNETTE right. i tel her not to click that button which had already sunk it then she go and turn around and go and click. so irritating! and one gurl in my photog go and anyhow click here click there with my camera. 560 bucks ok!
\ / so sick of it. *complaincomplaincomplain*
i wil blog yesterday's ora when i am bored again. XP cuz i was watching peach girl yesterday and today! damn nice xD i think peach girl's ryohei's fave anime leh! *rushes to check* ok it isnt. :( wehhhh. btw, heres the video of winds!
clickkkk~ hehehe. look at ryohei esp! i wanted to put this out on my blog so long ago la. thn you all will know how shuai ryohei is x) yep so i am blogging on sports fest la! which afterthat went for the stupid xiang sheng which cause me to be half hr late for tabletennis. x(
woke up at 9am on fri! =O soooo early lorh. cz i thought i wld be meeting lynnette at 10am. thn she smsed me and said the doc opens at 10. =.= so i killed 1.5 hrs until 10.30 then go out! my kiling of time is sitting down on the floor and fa dai~~~ =X
went shopping!
but mostly is i spend money. so i got broke and owe lynnette money for lunch. other than lunch, lynnette only bought

which is shared cost with me for vera's present. soooo thrifty! but actually she wanted to eat at ramen ten there but then i broke liao. so ended up eating at macs! duno how she eat lo. make until the arm become so scarred.

saw this kewww~~ gurl beside our table xD

but got the father there so q hard to take. so badddd she nvr look up! then at the other table beside them got this woman with 3 children of the same skin as them so i thought they were one family. :D LOL. i was like omg 4 children! then found out they arent together. so malu!
we got bored in the mrt & started comparing stuffs! so do these polls for us okkkkkk! begs!


net's hp look damn ugly in real life lo! HEHEHE. ya but many pple say so xD skarli she come and run after me again. -___- & the fingers on my phone are lynnette's. i dun have such ugly nails! HAHAHA.


sorry my wallet's blurred! so i try to make it smaller to focus. & those are my pwretty fingers (:
did photog assignment at sports fest. but the gun the starter use is soooo scary! kowaiiiii~ thats why all my pics turn out badly cz YA. if u dun getit, NEVERMIND! :D


not that i hate hadley la. (:
akai pompoms!

& race sutaato!

then GUN BANG.
*ngaman KADING!*

become like this. cant even take them starting off properlyyyyy.
this also. :(


hurhurh! so pathetic.
no bang sound, i still cant take the runners hitting the line!

yay my nanhua juniorrrr! ^

look at the bucklean's face! WOAHHHHH.
this one kind of succeeded la. but is actually a random shot so i am not close enough =X

hit the line together leh! xD
i was happily munching this apple xianmin help me took which is actually only for guides. hehehe. THANKS XIANMINNNN!

i eat until so nice :D but then i have to piang it in my mouth and bite it hard so i can take photos. lolllll. but i take NICE PHOTOS doing that ok! ->->!

hahaha. jiaying (bloo) and selene (gleennn) my seniors! xD

relaying relaying relaying.

i made the gurl (nearest in the pic) v extra. got 2 gurls behind scratching their bodies to warm up and 2 looking behind. actually she was also looking behind one xp
went back to seat l8r and found people bored. (cz i am not around ma!)
even aeroplanes get bored and want to attempt suicide.

no la, passing by only!

everyone was like,

lynnette play finish her hp, then play my hp, and plays vera's hp, and plays cheryl hp ETCETCETC.


and aera pops out!

but thn l8r got ARM WRESTLING!

& the jap pple are just beside us xD

i think the guide behind is so extra! she think she dancing arh?! =X

aera thought it looks like a middle finger ma. hahaha. and thats my pwretty hand again :P
and this thing is a candle leh. no wig, how to light? so lameee!
when going to the xiangsheng thing i got held up by doreen tan lo. and she took away the schl's cam which i was supposed to bring home cz she thought no one was taking prize presentation =.= then when i having xiangsheng, she comes in her ribena car (mrs wong say one horh!) to deliver it to me =X then poor aera and emelyn had to wait for me lo!
the beautiful bus ceiling!
blurr no blur still nice (:

zhanghao was the one in charge to bring us there..

keh! so serious for what!

emelyn was telling me abt this sec2 gurl in co whom i tink is my ruan senior that she looks like the rg xiangsheng gurl. but cant take any clear pics of her lo!
this one is the WORSE.

& the BEST.

which is still lan.

see the gurl beside her? LOLLLLL.
2 schls, with one putong (watersound!) hua wen and one gao ji hua one schl they said the same xiangsheng. so the gaoji one so poor thing no one listen to them!
k la. i am hungry. its 11pm now and i havent eat dinner.
and i sound serious in this blogpost liao horh boeyying!
reminder/ owe lynnette 2.70, kalya 1.00, mengxia 2.00
heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu