Tuesday, March 21, 2006
bukit timah is more tiring than battlefield! x(
cz go battlefield all the place so far so can play in bus (:
oh and yesterday i forgot to put up the pic of lynnette DIGGING HER NOSIE AGAIN! ;DDDDDDD and if some of you duno. i went to cut my fringe yesterday. thn right after that i walk to beautyworld with my mum to chk if got socks or not rite. once come out of beautyworld then i struck lottery. yeah struck by BIRDSHYT. no wonder i feel like how come coldcold one (HAHA I KNOW ITS GROSS) so i look. and its there. biang eh! at least its small one. if big one. URGH. and i din even know got bird shyt on my arm larh!

poor lynnette. ta1 de2 chou3 shi4 bei4 wo3 jie1 chuan1 lerh! :D she read my blog one leh (: l8r she see she come running after me. hahaha.
heng that our guide for battlefield the face not bad arh. the rest are all olde one lorh! and got one somemore look like ummu choo =X if the guide lian chouchou then have to stare at her face whole day will suffocate one.

but then got how chio the guide oso not use. cuz got this piece of shyt with us.

WORSE THING IS. SHE GO WEAR RED SHADES LORH. LOOK DAMN HORRIBLE. her skin is soooo orange liao still wear red on her face. she want to camouflage or wad lorh!

eh duno whether isit cz too many pple die there rite. the fort canning the trees v freaky one. GOT THORNS EH.

i bet all the trees got slashed so in order to protect themselves they grow thorns to BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH.
got this tree also!

these trees got stained with many diff pple blood arh. diff pple blood->diff color. so become like that lorhhhhhh.
then beside this tree got this insectEXTERMINATOR van. thn i saw this aofevnorengrwg sticker thingy on it.

what the hell lorh! advertising arh. and its PINK AND BLACK. and duno why everyone so interested one. once i show my frien rite. everyone chiong here and see liao. SO EXCITED. =.="
thn so suay arh. i got chasen by ernai around lorh. kip trying to take my pic. but i pro arh i stand there just retardedly move my head around then she cant take at all. still attempted so many times! i very creative ok. got many styles one!

bend down head xD

look away! (not that i wanted to look at zhanghao. notice shes HUNCHEDBACK.)

use hand block re-enhanced with handphone ;D
after eter[ni]ty rite. thn we got our lunch. we are all friggin hungry lorh x(

look at the hungry faces x( lifang worse. hungry until EYES WILL FA1 LIANG4 EH.

and wanzhen kiap her hair in between the two seats to resemble a HAMBURGER! when you are hungry you can do anything (:

saw manymany churches and chapels on the way to changi food centre. i think its called that? =X

cuz it was raining so when go into food centre what you do? keep the umbrella duh-uh. if you duno how to do rite. got lisa the pro umbrella keeper to teach you. =.=
1) fold umbrella flaps nicely. (look at the SILVER one)

2)place those flaps down neatly.

3)turn and twist it realllllll tight.

TADA! rebekah's pwretty silver umbrella (:
not only that leh. got technology inside! click the button, umbrella opens. click again, it closes. like wahlao! sure ex one lorh!
rg waitresses bring our food to our tables xD FOC eh!

the utensils are SOSOSOSOSO UNHYGENIC. i am NOT going to buy from there anymore! the forks and spoons got OBVIOUS stains. the plate like not washed like that! i bet they are wiped with toilet paper x((((
and got birdshyt on aera's side of table and this grain of rice on my side of the table. DIRTY LORHHHH.

lisa and aera went to buy carrot cake and then got this grp of pple waiting for our table lorh..cuz they din know they went to buy wat. then when they come bk rite they are like omg. and their highhigh mood was gone. cuz they are like chatting so happily like that larh. l8r they go complain to our schl. =X THAT CARROT CAKE RITE. like totally HALFCOOKED. THIS FOOD CENTRE THE FOOD SARK TOTALLY!

got this chaota one right in the middle of uncooked ones. so lame lo!
look at how emelyn and lisa eats.

thats why they drop their food all over the place and both of them pick up their food like THIS.


they both use the plastic from the chopsticks. -____________________________-""""
after carrot cake still got GREENTEA. emelyn wanted to give me her greentea but i DUN DARE TO DRINK. x( and i was thirsty. lol.

emelyn look so qin1 qie4-ly at the green tea can leh!


eat finish then got music playing to sooth KEEAERA AND EMELYN's stomach. both of them eat ALL THESE STUFF LORH. SO MUCH.
'duno how to blow a harmonica? shimin shows you how.'

you know after i took the darkdark scary eye picture and the normal eye one rite. everyone go crazy over it liao. all ask me help them take (: so mengxia emelyn's eyes got taken! mine is i have long ago liao (: k larh not that long. anyway pick the chioest eye!



hahaha surely mine win larh. cuz mine is doubleeyelid like mengxia's one and long like emelyn's one. mine is shi quan shi mei leh!
lol and i sarked on the lollipop which mengxia sarked on earlier. LOL. everyone was grossed out arh. ;D but you all cant blame me wat! i nvr ate this lollipop for like 3/4 years. x(

fast eh! cuz cant eat on bus so have to bite. so SAD larh. and i saw this white colour thing on zhanghao's arm when walking behind her which reminded me of that shyt dropping on me...................

so disgusting. can pluck out like that.
i and emelyn got bored in the bus!

emelyn looks v dao in this pic leh! =X and check out my fringe :D


help to absorb the fleas and ticks from your hair xD

turtle shell is gd ferr ur skin! ( i think emelyn wants to look dao in every pic after i told her bt her looking dao in that pic. HAHS. xD)

skinnify the turtle =O

molest its butt =X HAHS. tail larh (:

legless creature..



cabbage seh!

bodyless =X

eat it RAW.

kiap the flipper and let it dangle! painnnnnn.
the bus uncle i think he too sian or sth. almost got buscrash leh. boooooooooooooooooot like siao and brake so extreme. look at his sian face arh..

poor emelyn! going to vomit liao.. x( actually i thought she looked like SARS patient!

lol i realised i took many pics of her today!

even got black and white =O
lifang and jocelyn at the start of the trip:

them at the end:

hahahhaa. poor thingies (: they cant get as hyper as me n eme!
i thought wanzhen was licking something in this pic eme took. end up that she was playing the harmonica. so pai seh! =X

the poppies came soon!


hehhhh. we are laughing like shyt like that! duno how eme can pose so zhending-ly in the pic one! x)))
at the memorial there i have to carry the flag arh. i anyhow took the one nearest to me which i thought shld be some lined flag country like malaysia one, end up being singapore's. diaooooooooo =.= v zhuang se lorh! i wear red oso..

maybe thats why emelyn insisted on taking this pic of the tarbet tee.

retarded larh! :D i dun like so i am going to make it fat xD
back in the bus she tried to read the thingy the japanese surrender letter sth like that to me. aiyorhhhhhhh. i dun even bother reading can! lol so i dun even read one word inside it. =X hahaha. thn emelyn kiap it in front of her seat but drop down. thn i kiap my way in front of my seat it succeeded and she brought bk to kiap in front of her seat. so lame rite! xDDDD

my mum is going to lock the door and not let me in liao. x( NYAHHHHHHH. and i havent pack bag all those.
toodles! x)
heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu