Sunday, February 19, 2006
i bet you all are so surprised/happy/eewie/wth-kie/sad or wadehva that i updated my blog so fast. cuz of YITONGGGGG. i am cursed by her. BOOO. you wld know l8r as you read DOWN.
i am so pissed with myself lorh.
i did nothing today except for msning watching anime and doing like 4 questions of maths? i nvr even study 2moro's 3rd lang exam and do my chi hw ferr 2moro. no wonder i get cursed. x((
yep so anyway.
go refer to my tagboard and you know what happen.
& can people tag me more? x(
thanks licheng ferr tagging me like everyday at least (:
ok this is the curse.
Rules -The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.Need to mention the sex of the target.Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their page saying they have been tagged.If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.
Target: guys cuz i am gay.
8 points of my 'perfect lover' :
- SMILEYYYYYY. xDD not that i will be bedazzled by his smile or anything
-athletic and know at least 3 of the sports i know so i wun be bored. HEHHHS.
-must have free time for me!
-say he loves my cat sincerely
(i know its retarded..)-help me with my hw cuz i am slack!
-CHEEKY. not literally. i dun like too fat cheeks. HOHO.
-buy me stuff that i like (:
-likes n hates almost everything same as me OBVIOUSLYYYYY.
-EXTRAAPOINTTT. he is not supposed to say hes scared even though hes really scared. HEHS.
oh n dun talk about this to me or i will be unhappy (:
8 people i have tagged:
-mengxia! (my er2NAI. but her blog seems q dead x(()
-lifang! (someone seem to be wanting to know her email base on her taggy. DINGDING!)
-lailing! (so i can see whether the 2 tt guys fit her or not xD)
-licheng! (msn me n i shall put it on my blog. HEHHEEE.)
-jingyi! (she looks like shes crushing someone now)
-yuhui! (i duno i just feel like writing =))
WHY MUST HAVE 2 MORE! 8 V NICE NOMBRE MEH! oh i know liao (:
-luwei! (he will describe amanda's gd traits xD)
-yitong! (i dun care i just pass it bk to you x))
hurhhurh i dun like things like this x( ok nvm xD anyway i made v0.4 liao. HAHHAA. except nids some editing to the pic. HOHHO. i lurbbe it! n i shall make a fixed bg one just like lailing's ferr 0.5. HAHAHA. ideas are flowing in! ok i know its v lame.
i dun wan my previous post to be wasted ok! so click on the archives thingy to view the previous one. HAHHHHHS. x) i think most pple know i update on fris only thats yy. before i even published my post or put on my msn pm i updated already got so many pple online liao!
WOWW i duo1 shou4 huan1 ying2! shan't be ego (: but thn why they dun tag me one. MEANNNNN. x( ok larh at least you all visit my blog. xD
i just saw these cute cat pics off this site i went through xiaxue's blog. xD
i feel like eating it! xD PUDDINGGGGG. opps..
i like the innocent lookie (:
so cute rightttt! my cat owayes put his head in it too. xDcandice! you can start squealing after looking at these pics. HEHHHHS. thn u wld wana meet ur kittie faster xD
[listening now: jjlin-caocao]
hahs i got yuxin to send me that straight after i saw him listening to this song on msn (: yeps so anyway i changed my skin! whootsies! i have to chiong geog now after this. OMGGG. 9pm liao! so actually i just came here to post the licheng thingy here. x)
target: girls
- mus be tall but thn shorter thn mi-mus be smart
- mus luv cats or hamsters!
- mus be hardworking
-mus be girlish. and nort tomboy!
- mus hav long hair..
-thn mus be sporty.. mus noe table tennis
bleagh cant blog much liao larh. i still nid to find yishyuan's physical n my economic ferr geog. ARGHS.
oh P.S.
if you know anyone with these descriptions just tag me n thn licheng will see one. n recommend them to him! xDDDD!
heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu