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ngaman screamed on 010892 (yeah scary XD)& is chilling out in rgs as if. she loves nanhua & still goes back q often cz of wtv sl proj. now a co-ian which she joined on impulse to grow skinnier by not working out -.- & also in photog which she plans to quit soon cz she might be going out to work on weekdays to reach her onethousanddollar goal. she hopes to be a earn 1000$permth waitress so she can have 72000$ whn she reaches 20. btw, shes also in theh red hawt tarbet n cls 201 that gives her the impression of theh red color too. ok LAMEEEE but really maaaa! anyway, you can email/msn ME at gal_jasmine@hotmail.com or if u dun want me to read ur mail go to irox_galz@hotmail.com. YAY. or drop me a testi on friendster& i am worth $1,939,540 HAH MORE EXPENSIVE THAN YOU. typing so formally is just so irritating la! -.-

ああ叫んで 飛び出す行け

Thursday, December 29, 2005

nyaaas. i gonna post 3 days at a go now. o man. i dun reali rememba wad actualli hapened actuali. urhh..27- christmas parti 28- sec 2 classes 29- co games. yepyep. so it gonna b a long post. urh i TINK. hahhs i duno whetha i goin to generalise or wad yet. x)

cuz arhh the monument building thing chnged dayy..so i met jingyi at rg before goin to kevin's place. thn she passed my still wet umbrella! omg. its lyk still wet after a day? n it was still in the plastic thng! LOL. okkaye nvm.

so we went to fareast there n ate sth first..nyahahahha. the sth is..WAFFLE! cuz tues marh so 1/2 price =p yay yay! i wanted to go eat waffle again todaye (29dec) when i went fareast wif the tanbo pple ferr lunch but thn the other pple dun wan. BOO. kaye so i bought my dad's christmas prezie which i gave him at nite. x) a cigarette tray frm shibuya! but thn it seems lyk i m encouraging him to smoke =X bt aniwaye he still havent use the thing i gave him cuz hes using the old one. lol..kaye nvm!

jingyi fergot her present n the angel halo thingy we got at the church christmas parti which she din wear at the parti except for me when we yue1 hao3 to wear togetha one. BLEAGH BLEAGH! lol. actualli arh i left it under the table tennis table on purpose n left but she went to pick it up when she was lookin for me n some pple. lol.. kaye so..she tot we were meeting at 12.30 n took a long time takin dos stuf n so. we were LATE. its supposed to b at 12 lorhhh. nyass nvm x) lucki our 6g mates re magnanimous n waited ferr us. lollls.

yeah at the bus stop we saw dis mute gurl hu was selling us pens lorh. thn this motherfuckin arsehole lao ah pei came n scolded her for blocking the way lorh. WTF MAN. curse him lorh. n thn wanting n yijiao bought pens frm her arh n yijiao gave dis huge 10 buck note n made the gurl short of money. thn the gurl started cryin lorhh..duno whetha bcuz she short of money or cuz of the damn lao ah pei arh. some gurls tot she way sweatin onli arh but actualli she is sweatin n cryin. so poor thing rites?

oh dude. on the bus rite. i cant believe that yijiao wanting n johnathan still rememba wat happened in their grp durin p6. i dun even rememba ok! i so blurr one. kaye thn BOOM we reach kevin's place. which is omfg so damn neat n nice! i m soooo darn jealous lorh. yeah so we watched lord of the rings n the exorsion of emily rose thingy. urh. i fergot how to spell the exorsionie thing. lols. sori arh. thn the other gurls were screamin lorh n its lyk nort scari..as in reali lorh. i tot it wld b dose reali scari ghostie movie at first. so i look at them scream arh i start to laugh lorh. sori i kinda a bit the saddistic. lols. thn the boys were tryin to boo the gurls. i fergot hu tried to boo me lorh bt din work. hahahhaahs. jingyi was screamin n the rest. lol. u noe yy it din work? coz i cld see their reflection frm the tv. hahhhs so dumb one.

lalala. thn we played daidee. whoohoo! lol i juz learnt dat game on dat day arh. most thks to yijiao. MOST. n thn oso thks jingyi ferr tellin me the which biggest which smallest n thks the rest too. hahhhhs. thn we played 4 games n yay i won 1 leh! nyahahahhas. the 4th one x) so wanting was 0..jingyi was 2 x yifei was 1 n someone oso won 0. i fergot hu. yeah n i won 1. lols. l8r we were playin wif the bois. nyahhhahahahas. all dese pics re taken when we were playin daidee! x)

sori arh i noe the words nort clear but i dun bother retypin so go figure out urself. =D

nyahahahas. licheng was lookin at my cam ferr a while thn suddenli turned away. HAHS. wats dat supposed to mean eh?

lols i noe v lame arh. bt thn it does look lyk hes sayin dat rite..HAHS.

n now.. look at dis =p

n thn become..

LOLS. kevin got a new nickname x)

lol zhu started callin him the fairy queen first. nyahahahas. hu ask him go take n wear my halo. actualli i tink is someone put on him bt i fergot. lols. uhuh uhuh. kaye so after dat i, licheng, johnathan, zhu jie, x yifei n jingyi went to play table tennis. otho x yifei n jingyi duno how to play. lol. so zhu n johnathan were sayin they cant play blah blah lorh. n the meanpok johnathan say jingyi's hopeless. =.="

the oh so pro licheng remained king for a darn long time arh! >< him ="p" co ="p" too ="D">< bt my 6th sense tell me u in 202. lol. uhuh. so i m in 201 wif the nice pple. lol i m nice too x) hees so ego. pple lyk yitong n cheryl n yenyee blah blah wants to go to 201 a lort too.. lols. cuz i m there rite? lol. even cheryl say yes x) bt thn i reali feel q sori ferr cheryl arh cuz she dun lyk her class..so her msn is lyk i hate 208 lorhh..

okkaye aniwaye. i n rachel oon [future clasmate dude!] went to find the names of pple in our clas. hahahhaas. n we did it! 36 pple in total. hees. whoohoo we rawk! uhuh so they are neatli compiled to as followed..

101-alethea chew, jane lim, tu mengxia, rachel oon, lisa chan, casslyn koh
102-kiwan, ho wan zhen
103-tang nga man, lynnette, yuhui, emelyn, aera, peiying
104-carolyn lesmana, chngyan, esther, yishyuan, xianmin, lew guiqi
105-teo lifang, lynn lim, yanling
106-eika, jocelyne, huiqi, livia, valerie
107-wenting, madeline, goh ziyi
108-jieying, joyce
109-rebekah lau, boey ying
104/109-chua shimin

LOL we duno which chua shimin so its lyk dat. hahhhs. bt my frien n rachel say dat the 109 rachel is funnier otho both of them re oso as nice (: ohh gota blog the nxt day lerhs =p oh which is todaye. hahhhs.

omg 2moro is ccao lorh. i haf so much stuf to do lorh. lyk duty duty n duty... still haf hui bao eh!
aniwaye i goin to call ms tan to confirm the time ferr 2moro photog duty l8r. yeahh so todaye lunch was NORT FREE. hahs i noe i cheapo x) so tanbo went to fareast to haf a tanbo lunch. nyaaahahhaas. bt thn cuz diff pple diff choices so the sec1s separate frm seniors hu went to long johns n we went to the rg chicken rice stall. hahhhs. no larh the boneless chicken rice house thingy. so become sec1tanboCO lunch. nyahahahs! thn eat finish arhh we went to look c a BIT onli. n thn i saw these cool rings! bt thn dey were sold at 6.90 bucks each! so ex rite.. bt thn i decided to buy 2 fer myself. one as christmas prezie n new year prezie. LOL. NEW YEAR PREZ. hahs. i tink dats the first time i ever bot such a thing. hahahahhas.

so when we went bk is station games. i in grp 1 x) wif jiaxi the tanbo n ruan leader! =D nyahahhaas. so i can zhe2 mo2 her. hohoho. (: n oso wif 3 pple i duno. hahahhas. i fergot n duno the names. lollll! so first place we went to was koi pond lorh. n thn our 2nd place rite..the runting prefect person gave us wrong place! so got grp clashh. lol. bt everythng went well larh. thn our last station is outside the micromouse place. the grp pple made me b the cheer person cuz it will oso b counted in the points while the rest haf to do a stunt. loll. nort reali dos pro pro one larh. dun tink too deep. hahahs. thn ferr bonus points we re supposed to entertain them by usin sounds as a co orchestra dependin on wat instruement we play. hahs. otho i play ruan arh i was the conductor cuz i say i dun reali rememba the tune ferr jun ma. hahahs. nyaha! cuz i conduct v well arh we got FULL MARKS DUDE! =D thn we made it as the 2nd grp bk to ks chee. lollls. 1st grp was xinyi grp grp 10 arh. if nort ferr the mistake made by that runting woman causin us to wait so long we wld haf made it first! LOL.

thn we had to use the gold coins we got frm the station games they award to us to buy stuff. yepyep. we were either one of the richest or the richest[by points] arhh..bt thn we were nort that creative so we had a hard time fulfilling our task arh. which was. decorating a person as a christmas tree. thn. they chose me as the model lorh. SABO me one! thn arh we haf a hard time lorh. lols. so gota pose n everything. hahahahhs. nya so they were lafin lorhs. bt thn our description is q bad. lol. i even sacrificed my ear n poke dis paperclip through it. oh btw. TO DOS CONCERNIN PPLE! =D MY EAR IS NORT INFECTED K! x) hees. hahs. nyaa cuz i tink we did q badli ferr dat part which was 50%..we din win lorh. hahhhs. bt its okkaye larh. n sori to the pple hu din win prizes x) n yeah congrats tehh rest lorh. esp shijia arh. jump until lyk dat! HAHS.


heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu

♥ saito

FEAT oosakinana frm live action/anime nana &its basically bout oosakinana,komatsunana meet on train,live together,etc &oosakinana's in a band 'blackstones',shortform blast.

&created 09-100906 &colour's mainly red,black &font's arial,centurygothic &pic's various srcs &brush's randomly grabbed frm here &edited with photoshop & fans screaming & crying

♥ ohanashi

♥ tomodachi

aera, emelyn ; ilisa ; lailing ; lifang ; livia ; yitong ; yuhui ; onethree ;

♥ maenokoto

  • sec 1 reporting day duty.
  • nano SPOILT.
  • headache.
  • 6g chalet class gathering
  • great improvement for tt?!
  • christmas wishes*
  • table tennis
  • hees i nvr blog
  • ♥ nana opening