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ngaman screamed on 010892 (yeah scary XD)& is chilling out in rgs as if. she loves nanhua & still goes back q often cz of wtv sl proj. now a co-ian which she joined on impulse to grow skinnier by not working out -.- & also in photog which she plans to quit soon cz she might be going out to work on weekdays to reach her onethousanddollar goal. she hopes to be a earn 1000$permth waitress so she can have 72000$ whn she reaches 20. btw, shes also in theh red hawt tarbet n cls 201 that gives her the impression of theh red color too. ok LAMEEEE but really maaaa! anyway, you can email/msn ME at gal_jasmine@hotmail.com or if u dun want me to read ur mail go to irox_galz@hotmail.com. YAY. or drop me a testi on friendster& i am worth $1,939,540 HAH MORE EXPENSIVE THAN YOU. typing so formally is just so irritating la! -.-

ああ叫んで 飛び出す行け

Friday, January 27, 2006

the depressing post is gone liaoooo. hahs. x) nvm. xD yepp another review day blogpost. yeah v BORING BORING. dun readdddddddd. x( i dun really like this year`s cny celebs..last year`s one is much much much more FUNNNNNN. shows that the student initiated thng isnt gd =[


i m bk frm watching 12 kingdoms! ahahah. i hope 2moro haf full metal alchemist n ragnorak x( PRAYPRAY! i dun care i m goin to make this post SHORT. xDD

yepp i had photog duty wif jiaqi and yingqiao todaye =D so basically is kip take take thn go here go there. my stoopid sister go n take my file n use ferr the co performance n banged my head with it when she walk pass me. HMPHHHHHHH. DAIKIRAISUYO. x((( thn jiaqi went in the middle of the co crowd n took pics when it was the co performance thng. thn the cai1 mi2 yu3 thng is q boring larhh..sorry XIAOTING! ): n thn its lyk lantern festival cai1 deng1 mi2 lyk dat. HELLO? this is CHI NEW YEAR? the xiang4 sheng1 otho q nice larhh but thn its talking bt singapore flag, pledge, song, blahblah? ITS NOT NATIONAL DAY PLEASE DUDE.

thn haf to kip kneeling on the floor. painpainpain! but thn dun haf skin come out, scratch or wadehva blood larh. xD hahahahs. see what PRO KNEECAPS i have! XP thn when i return the cam to ms wong rite..i called her on the phone thingy n asked MS WONG CAN YOU COME OUT ALREADY? its like i v despo n rude leh! omgomg. n thn when i was getting the cam i said MS WONG CAN YOU COME OUT? its like wth. SHE MUST HATE ME. x( i think i am such a retard.

thn we met at foyer there to go to nanhua lorhs. xinyi and wanting took chowyue`s dad`s car to nanhua while the 5 of us took bus. x yifei pangseh us lorh and we waited like so long ferr her. i and shirley are the 2 guaikias standing there and waiting lorh while goh hong left to go to general office and also to look at the cca thingy?! and then wanzhen she went to see her friend`s dog and wash her hand. and jingyi went to urhh..FERGOT. hahs see we 2 so guai lorh. so scared they all cant see us so we stood OKKKK.

yeps so i was listening to my nano and smsing in the bus while wanzhen was sleeping and gohhong was smsing. shirley and jingyi were sitting so behind cuz the bus no space marh so duno wad they doing lorh. nvm they were talking larh. yeah thn gohhong was behind me and wanzhen x) duno yy lyk we so fast reach nanhua like that leh. >< maybe cuz i day dream too much =XX

we met x yifei in the canteen thn went to see ms wong! =DDDDDD lucky it was her break time (: actually she wanted us to help her type something but thn she left the doc at home >< yeps so we had to get out of the staffroom. hahaha. n thn we found out frm ms wong that now pri schl have eng lit too! =O wow now they so pro one!

mm hms thn i played table tennis with licheng again. LICHENG UR NAME IS HEREEE =DDD see i so nice xDD i got a bit of the gastric pain cuz i din eat recess! >< more like theres no time ferr recess larh. hahs. yepp so i was like din play well but i not sure whetha thats the cause or not. hahhas i m WEIRD too! =D EVERYTHING IS WEIRD TO ME. lols. x) hahaha but thn after i ate in the nazikashi nanhua canteen i played better? as in not that much outs or wad =D hahaha. but thn i once eat finish thn i played liao so i felt so VOMITTTTTYYY. TASUKETEEEE.

yay n licheng said i improved! =D

hahs dats fast improvement x) maybe i got the talent in tabletennis! HAHAAHA. SO FAKKE. but thn i noe he give me chance larh. RIGHTRIGHT. nvr put in spin oneee. so i noe i m still as lan as before. x( yep den i left early cuz i want my FREE LUNCH frm my dad and i also wana get out early cuz i v EXTRA. this wholeee voiddeck right FULL OF BOYS except ferr 1 GURL=ME. yep n kevin was sooo direct can. cuz halfway through the sec1rv gurl left. x( hahahs last time i owayes see her in school one so i thought shes dingyi peiying(vball pple) frien but thn end up isint =X

aniwaye i duno why rite. i feel like THANKING LICHENG. but it doesnt mean anything SPECIAL ok. HAHAHAA.

LALALA. i have to go coldstorage with my dad after this lorh. walk here walk there and carry stuff. BOOOOO x( i m being zhe2 mo2 by my daddd. hahs x)


LAILING PANGSEHH MEEEEEEEEEEEE. she say she wld go table tennis one lorh. thn today candice told me that she told her she dun feel like going liao. x( thn i kip begging lailing on msn to go thn she dun wannnn. x((( waste my salivaaaa. i mean. finger energy? lols thn tt there haf SO LITTLE PPLE GO CAN. like 15? >< omg lorhhhh. the stoopid tuan yuan fan larh x) candice and her cousinnnnnn. =( why like that one! so little people.. n today was SOSOSOSO boring can. i m made to play with this 2 small kiddo that re 1/3 my height. ok i noe is q degrading =X mm. yeah again lorh like the other time. so i was sososososo pissed and my high mood becomes low mood. x( ok nvm (:



heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu

♥ saito

FEAT oosakinana frm live action/anime nana &its basically bout oosakinana,komatsunana meet on train,live together,etc &oosakinana's in a band 'blackstones',shortform blast.

&created 09-100906 &colour's mainly red,black &font's arial,centurygothic &pic's various srcs &brush's randomly grabbed frm here &edited with photoshop & fans screaming & crying

♥ ohanashi

♥ tomodachi

aera, emelyn ; ilisa ; lailing ; lifang ; livia ; yitong ; yuhui ; onethree ;

♥ maenokoto

  • MY HAIRRR. x(
  • dreams. #
  • blogging in schl x)
  • 6g`christmas partii -- +days
  • sec 1 reporting day duty.
  • nano SPOILT.
  • headache.
  • ♥ nana opening