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ngaman screamed on 010892 (yeah scary XD)& is chilling out in rgs as if. she loves nanhua & still goes back q often cz of wtv sl proj. now a co-ian which she joined on impulse to grow skinnier by not working out -.- & also in photog which she plans to quit soon cz she might be going out to work on weekdays to reach her onethousanddollar goal. she hopes to be a earn 1000$permth waitress so she can have 72000$ whn she reaches 20. btw, shes also in theh red hawt tarbet n cls 201 that gives her the impression of theh red color too. ok LAMEEEE but really maaaa! anyway, you can email/msn ME at gal_jasmine@hotmail.com or if u dun want me to read ur mail go to irox_galz@hotmail.com. YAY. or drop me a testi on friendster& i am worth $1,939,540 HAH MORE EXPENSIVE THAN YOU. typing so formally is just so irritating la! -.-

ああ叫んで 飛び出す行け

Monday, January 09, 2006

hahhhhhs i noe i v long nvr update liao. u all lorh bug me to update thn i update one. hmphhhhhs. pig pig! okaye nvm. i tink i m goin more n more retarded day by day actualleh. ><

kaye heck.

aniwaye now is free period cuz we went to knowledge hub where there re the windows coms n which we re supposed to go to magic lab to use imacs! hahs. aniwaye oso gd. i m goin to get testis frm huiqi! WHOOTS! <-licheng take note**

lifang is blogging beside me now too. x) hahs.

o man u all larh. now i duno wad to rite. ur fault lorh. aiyarh dis post goin to die liao. x( shyt i l8r got 3rd lang. dun feel lyk goin leh. bt my dad comes n bring me there n nid to buy books. so cant pon one. >< aiyarhhhhhhhh. mayb i shld use this free period go do hw n b guai. but thn 2moro holiday so heck. but thn my anime come out lerh! YAYYYYY! so i goin to dl n watch the whole day 2moro.


thn i will sms n msn again. oh my dad say last month dec my sms over by a lort n + bt 30-40 bucks. dat means is i sms round..300 free n thn 20x30=600, 20x40=800. omg i sms round 900-1200. yeah so he wans to deduct my oh so poorie pocket money. wahhhhs. i still nid to pay 50 bucks ferr my table tennis leh! i m goin broke. n thn i no relatives other than my family in spore dat = no angpao money! unless i go chge that wadewhva 4 bucks 7 bucks (hongkong chge to spore currency liao) money i got frm my hk relatives each frm last month. aiyarh. i veri poor can u see.

n i m nort begging horh.

lifang's still typin so much on her blog. her lyfe muz b so interestin leh! dat means my lyfe is boring cuz i duno wad to blog bt.

aiyarh i blog bt my duty on sat. orientation tea.

lyk wtf lorh. i went to schl at 12pm by bus cuz my lazi dad wun wake up to buy me lunch n bring me to schl. so i ate a bit of last nite's spaghetti which i din bother to eat after getting drenched in rain, omost knocked by car, drank rainwater coke, spilt the rainwater coke, nvr bring tie, n a lort lort lort unlucki stuf if u haf seen my msn nick n pm. YEAH ALL THE UNLUCKY STUF TYPE UNTIL FOOL DAT I CANT TYPE ANIMORE U NOE.

wat the hell.

okaye nvm. yeah thn i went there at 12pm n waited ferr 1 hr ferr ms tay lorh. yuhui told me the time chge to 12.30 so i wait. BUT THN. they still late! thn i onli stay ferr lyk 5mins n thn when jermaine they all come n i went away. yitong was lyk HARH? SO FAST? lols.

lols i m juz bk frm 3rd lang at home nort in schl lerhs. 3rd lang is okkaye as usual larh. i got saboed by maggie mee to 'namae wo kireii ni kakimasu' on the board. if u dun understand it means write neatly my name on the board. =.=" n thn i was eatin choco pillows in clas n smsin durin clas. hahs. xD

yeah so i went to go up to 3rd floor stafroom n meet mrs wong lorh. at first i a bit the despo cuz i couldnt find her name on the list thingy to call into the staffroom. lucki my last year needlework teacher hu i fergot the name came thn help me chk staffroom n ask her out lorh. thn found out dat i couldnt find her name cuz it was cheng sophia nort wong sophia cuz they used her maiden name. isit maiden. hahs. my eng lan i noe. n i tink i cheng too. if nort is some sirname dat start wif c. lols.

so i got to go find yile hus happili eatin in the canteen leavin me starvin in hunger. lolls. no larh she gave me a sweetcorn bun which she got frm her frien. hahahs. cant believe she so nice. x) lol. thn while we re eatin, the ap sec1s got scolded by prefects n psls. YAY. hu ask them go make the prefects n psls cry. they so wat leh.

yeah so we took pictures lorh. all in hall one. onli take speakers. BORING. n thn we went down n take orientation tea where all the parents flock. hahs. leavin us students on duty to eat the leftovers =.=" so we went to return cam first after takin. n once we came bk all the parents were gone liao. hahhas. i tink that was cuz we were takin our time larh. x) so i n yile

yeah as expected all the chicken wings were gone. wahs. i shld haf took the chicken wing before they were gone! hahaa. i took the cake while on duty still. otho i m nort allowed to. hahaha. =D

the whole day was still RAINING.

so i lent yile my umbrella lorh. (: n thn..


my dad came n thn told me in car that he went to put me in jiang tuition centre. stoopid. i was so pissed okaye. but thn at least vio n guiqi same clas as me xD

yeah n i still dun lyk jiang.

heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu

♥ saito

FEAT oosakinana frm live action/anime nana &its basically bout oosakinana,komatsunana meet on train,live together,etc &oosakinana's in a band 'blackstones',shortform blast.

&created 09-100906 &colour's mainly red,black &font's arial,centurygothic &pic's various srcs &brush's randomly grabbed frm here &edited with photoshop & fans screaming & crying

♥ ohanashi

♥ tomodachi

aera, emelyn ; ilisa ; lailing ; lifang ; livia ; yitong ; yuhui ; onethree ;

♥ maenokoto

  • 6g`christmas partii -- +days
  • sec 1 reporting day duty.
  • nano SPOILT.
  • headache.
  • 6g chalet class gathering
  • great improvement for tt?!
  • christmas wishes*
  • table tennis
  • ♥ nana opening