Sunday, September 10, 2006
HAH. since i changed my skin i am happy and feel like blogging. hawhaw. ok wtv (: i will go back on hiatus soon so YAYYYY. btw ummm if you dun see the title anywhere its bout
tarbet house camp : X
met amanda chinnie chinchin before going in to kschee cz we dun really know anyone there..& somemore she said everyone inside look v dao ahhhh! so i was kinda freaked out. but out of everyone in there lucky got one person amanda knows. HAH. so hard to believe right! & i also only know leeqi & no one else ):

sophia & amanda! (look at the people behind them btw. FUNNY SIAH!)
& lucky that friend who amanda knows who is also sophia is soooo cute & chio & NOT DAO.
l8r prettyprettyalinawee also arrived so yay (: but then we played this oh helllllll game which have to rmb the post name class of all the pple in front of u & we were like in the middle with sarah. bt i totally cant rmb anything soo tooo badddd! i cheated & let them help me heh (: after that played basketball and saw the psls having their camp too. so cool! btw
I AM NO PSL. cz many pple keep asking me la not that i am trying to brag or anything -.- whole day we were playing station games & had movie marathon before lights out. LUNCH WAS, VERY BAD. THAT SPAGHETTI URGHHHHH. i think we ate at either 11 or 12pm like that. which is so damn EARLY. i eat at like 3-4pm! so l8r i was so hungry la. ):

haha sophia sipping her yeos lemon barley X)
we were trying to capture sophia's funny expressions cz she was like smile or dont smile! HAHA SO FUNNY. too bad we didnt watch 6thsense lo if not we can take her screaming or freaked out face. XD
movie marathon!
poor jiawen slept from the starting of movie marathon to halfway she wake up? bt she had psl camp before that la sooo ya. ): SAD MAN SADDDD. like a 4 day in a row camp LORH. somemore in school. -FAINTS- no wonder she positioned herself away from us & pulled our amanda away too. hahaha. so l8r they slept with us lo. she and sophia slept above sarah me & amanda. i was kiaped between the 2 of them & worse i was sharing the sleeping bag with sarah cz we blanketed ourselves too. so when THEY (the2ofthem!)were sleeping. ok la actually amanda slept first. then i tried to sleep after seeing her sleeping bt i woke up & built pyramids with sarah. HAHAHA.

both also sarah build one ): i could only build the left one! the rest flopped down. chi!

sophia sqiurming in her sleeping bag. so i & sarah went to roll her around! haha that was HILARIOUS man. ok not really around la. but ROLLEDDD. oh ya, so back to when they were asleep. that amanda chin go and whatever habi (shrimp) so she stuck so close to me and her head suddenly piang to face me & then later she habi again and her legs were facing me. at least she din like swing her legs up & down la or else. URGHH. then she suddenly open her eyes. LIKE POSSESS LIKE THAT PLEASE. thn she said harh ngaman ah! sorrysorry i turn back! something like that lo. pls i was so freaked out so i was like orh ok thanks.. thn i turned the other side & thn sarah turned to face me also thn like 1 minute l8r she silently say thankyou to me leh. like WHATTHE?! & then she turn back. so i was like xin1 li3 zai4 xiao4, translate, laughing in my heart. so i turn to amanda again. soon later she suddenly wake up like just now like that & she start talking to me. EEK. but i cant rmb the details. but i just keep smiling la when she talked haha. when i FINALLY went to sleep again, duno who sleeping above me so irritating, go and snap her fingers & i heard it so i woke up. NYEH! bt l8r i slept again la. & then when i woke up at 6 sth & turn around, i saw amanda chin eyes open beegbeeggg look at me & talk to me! she said she woke up at 4.30 n cant sleep so she was watching me sleep. heng i nvr make any sound la. so 6 sth already need to wake up soon la so WAKE UPPPP. wahlao sleeping also so eventful siah! -.- OMGGG. now think back its so DIAOOO PLSSSS.

my deardear sarah still sleeping. i blew shook tickle and whatever still dont wake up lo. irritating! XD whoo sexxayeee leggggg!

duno whos this. haha andrea or sarah i think?

brushing. all 4 of us look so damn retarded. ): eeyerhhhh.

yes that funny expression thing! : D hawhawwww. she looks like shes kissing the tissue thing though. yuck. or drinking tissue paper?

work plan time ): amanda attempts to take jerm but caught sophia inside too. i think i got too many sophia pics! ):

then after work plan our cute house missie auctioned away overleft stuff from breakfirst. she got babyface la! oh shit mannn i forgot to take herrrr! the person who took this pic shld have just took her with it ):

abigail, nicole & someone. looks like wenyun or some secone? sheesh i m supposed to be working with wenyun bt i cant really rmb her face. -.-
our grp's name's gotna, man? HAH. NAMANNN. thats my jap name lol. but if i m going to japan i gonna change it to nana or nami. the nana thing is not influenced by my skin or anything la! we were supposed to make a grp name with letters frm tango cz our new theme's tarbet tango. or tarbet's tang-ngaman! : D no la. so gotna with a man looo. bt our house missie added in that commar. chi. anyway its nicer than other grps names la! theres like gonat and stuff i think. cant rmb! first task was in schl and using straws and tape make the egg not break. hah rhymes. ours broke when we were removing the tape or at least we think? hah wtv man! thn we painted our hands and faces n walked/ran through orchard. grace go rub away her face one lo. cheatttterrrr! haha! X)
taking photos with people from the 4 races (:

got na, man?
left-right: ngaman, jermaine, natalie, cheryl, eurasian1, eurasian2, amanda, grace
we sang twinkletwinklelittlestars before this loudly at that station outside heeren n so many pple laughed at us. ): even the waiter in nydc!

painted peoples nails for extra minutes : D the 2 at the left were boys ones. HAHA. poor things! but nice la they (: but they ran to wash in the toilet after that. i dun think they can wash off though. :X gomeneeee! the middle one's an auntie and the right side were those 2 kids (:
nyeh my finger touched it n i duno where i put that removal thing. so disgusting!

at the busstop to go back all the grps were there except for grp 1. haha! so after that had to use mouth pick up maggi mee and form tarbetrocks! only with mouth.

got na, man? ! haha! me jerm & grace! n nat's in the middle too (:

random photos jerm took:

grace looks lonely ):

yes i know my hand's dirty ):

natalie was prancing around to hide herself. looks more like shes rapping HAHA!

isnt like everyone looking away?
CONCLUSION: jermaine cannot take people's faces= BU4 JI2 LI4

the 1st group doing their maggi mee thing. jiacong's sticking out her tongue n someone's molesting lim jie's butt n leg? or wiping the mess or sth on her. nyeh.
my mum's screaming at me againnnnnnnnnnn. & she thinks i am doing hw. lol (:
heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu