ngaman screamed on 010892 (yeah scary XD)& is chilling out in rgs as if. she loves nanhua & still goes back q often cz of wtv sl proj. now a co-ian which she joined on impulse to grow skinnier by not working out -.- & also in photog which she plans to quit
soon cz she might be going out to work on weekdays to reach her onethousanddollar goal. she hopes to be a earn 1000$permth waitress so she can have 72000$ whn she reaches 20. btw, shes also in theh red hawt tarbet n cls 201 that gives her the impression
of theh red color too. ok LAMEEEE but really maaaa! anyway, you can email/msn ME at gal_jasmine@hotmail.com or if u dun want me to read ur mail go to irox_galz@hotmail.com. YAY. or drop me a testi on
friendster& i am worth $1,939,540 HAH MORE EXPENSIVE THAN YOU. typing so formally is just so irritating la! -.-
ああ叫んで 飛び出す行け
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
i always do such stuff during exams like doing the things i dun like. i duno why! as in i dun hate blogging larh but i m quite lazy to update. HEH.
DOG POOP BESIDE ME WHEN I WAS WALKING. GROSS. and i even stared at it to see if it resembles my cat's one actually. =X
HURHURH. yesterday was Lester Ledesma's Last Lesson with us. 4 Ls leh! pro eh (: so SAD OK. he teach soooo welllllll. even rachel said so when i met her on the bus. hahhaa. OH AND I CREATED A BLOG AT XANGA! i will not put the link up until i made a new skin ferr it xD dun worry i will still use this blog larh. HEH!
i just realise that casslyn LOVES to bring her photoalbum and this BLACKKIEBOOK she got in ninam island or sth like that it korea. she learns dance in korea leh! soooo coollllleeeeehhhhh! i am jealous x( i shall bai casslyn as shifu and make her teach me too! the blackkiebook is some korean star's one and she got it free. JUST LOOK AT THE NICE PHOTOS INSIDE! i want one too x(

these two pics are mengxia and casslyn ask me to take for them one. (: the rest are MINEMINEMINE! xDDD

beautiful rite! (: the bottom 2 i took larh but dun really like them liao =X

at first see was nice. now not nice. hahahaha nvm.
i like the lian4ge1 one the best! followed by the kiss one. and i am not trying to imply ANYTHING horh!
i think i need to mug geog lerh if not i die. every lesson of geog i fall asleep. like practically EVERYLESSON. mrs koh's voice is so boring. orkaye entertain you all something before i go (:

heh! cute rite! when i took this photo some teacher was coming in. x) so lynnette was despo to clear me and some pple away. =O and its her book on the table dude (:
heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu