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ngaman screamed on 010892 (yeah scary XD)& is chilling out in rgs as if. she loves nanhua & still goes back q often cz of wtv sl proj. now a co-ian which she joined on impulse to grow skinnier by not working out -.- & also in photog which she plans to quit soon cz she might be going out to work on weekdays to reach her onethousanddollar goal. she hopes to be a earn 1000$permth waitress so she can have 72000$ whn she reaches 20. btw, shes also in theh red hawt tarbet n cls 201 that gives her the impression of theh red color too. ok LAMEEEE but really maaaa! anyway, you can email/msn ME at gal_jasmine@hotmail.com or if u dun want me to read ur mail go to irox_galz@hotmail.com. YAY. or drop me a testi on friendster& i am worth $1,939,540 HAH MORE EXPENSIVE THAN YOU. typing so formally is just so irritating la! -.-

ああ叫んで 飛び出す行け

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

[Now listening- My blog music]

Yawn. Today i woke up q earli arh. i tink 9 something nearin 10. wells...if yoo tink its late, so be it. i wouldnt b bothered wif yoo den. i havent brush teeth btw...lalala. yesterdae nite waz so damn fun. yitong told me a nice nice nice secret! haha. no nid to worri lar yt...i wont btray yoo ders. haha. shes gonna continue tellin me the secret today. how nice! unlyk mine. haha. sheesh. my mum kept scoldin me ferr not brushing arh. sheesh sheesh sheesh. o yeah. yesterdae waz father's day. i made my dad angry by not eating food. haha. as in i did ate a bit but i din ate da pepper crab. i din felt lyk eatin pepper at nite since i ate the peppery mcwings in the afternoon so i waz damn bloated after drinkin da coke to get rid of the spiciness. haha. in the end i end up buying from onli a french fries to mcwings then to coke. its da same set as my sis. haha. they said if buy 2 sets get 1 free arh. so in the end cuz my set iz bot separately ders so dun haf free set lor. haha. i bet my dad waz angry too. lol. i gave my dad ABBA cd. he went to listen to it at nite. how nice. cuz he din thk me ferr da prezzie? haha. o yeah. i want to make an image gallery in my blog. but haf to do it when i got da time. o yeah. i finalli completed hist! ((: yay. so i m left wif my eng and chi book reports. haha. its lyk FINALLI. hahaha. since i dragged it 4 3 weeks. haha. mm...i smell food...actualli not smell lar. cuz i m sick again and cant smell well. so i listennnnnedd. hahahhaas. i beta go brush and eat lers! F-O-O-D! :D

heya no katasumede i cry.
tsukisasaru kono kizu

♥ saito

FEAT oosakinana frm live action/anime nana &its basically bout oosakinana,komatsunana meet on train,live together,etc &oosakinana's in a band 'blackstones',shortform blast.

&created 09-100906 &colour's mainly red,black &font's arial,centurygothic &pic's various srcs &brush's randomly grabbed frm here &edited with photoshop & fans screaming & crying

♥ ohanashi

♥ tomodachi

aera, emelyn ; ilisa ; lailing ; lifang ; livia ; yitong ; yuhui ; onethree ;

♥ maenokoto

  • New Blog Layout.
  • ♥ nana opening